2023/08/03 Company News

" Exploring New Horizons in Watch Retail" workshop


Oriental Watch Company is one of the leading players in the Hong Kong watch retail industry, and it is also a company that places great emphasis on the future development of young people.

In collaboration with Chartwell Capital, we organized a captivating workshop titled " Exploring New Horizons in Watch Retail." The workshop aimed to deepen the understanding of university students participating in the summer outreach program by delving into the history of Oriental Watch Company, the latest trends in the watch market, the challenges faced in recent years, and the corresponding strategies.

 Following the workshop, we arranged for the students to visit Oriental Company flagship store in Central, immersing them in the day-to-day operations. This firsthand experience provided them with a concrete glimpse into the development of the watch retail industry and encouraged them to pursue careers within this field.

Young people are not only the future of society but also a vital catalyst driving social and economic advancement. We aspire to offer more learning opportunities and career development support to empower young individuals in shaping their future paths. With the hope of infusing the watch retail industry with youthful vigor, we aim to seize opportunities and collaborate in creating a remarkable future together!