2019/03/08 Company News

Oriental Watch Company Awarded “Charter on External Lighting” Platinum Award

Oriental Watch Company was awarded the “Charter on External Lighting-Platinum Award” by the Environment Bureau in recognition of the contribution by switching off unnecessary external lighting.  Oriental Watch Company will continue to raise the group awareness of energy saving and put efforts towards developing a sustainable, green-living society.


Charter on External Lighting
The Environment Bureau (ENB) launched the “Charter on External Lighting” (the “Charter”) in April 2016 to invite owners of and responsible persons for external lighting installations to switch off lighting installations of decorative, promotional or advertising purposes which affect the outdoor environment during the preset time (i.e. 11 p.m. or midnight to 7 a.m. on the following day).

- Minimize light nuisance: Due to the high building density in Hong Kong, external lighting at night will cause nuisance to nearby residents. To switch off unnecessary external lighting during the preset time can provide residents with an environment conducive to sleep.

- Minimize energy wastage: To shorten the operating hours of external lighting can reduce energy consumption and save electricity.